Implementing the Latest Industry Technology
VIPO offers state-of-the-art prosthetics technology, including the i-LIMB Bionic Hand from Touch Bionics, Otto Bock’s revolutionary C-Leg® 4 and Dynamic Arm, and the BioQuest PerfectStride foot.
* These items may be covered by your insurance, depending on your policy’s terms and limitations. VIPO will work with you and your insurance company to determine coverage and obtain authorization for your device.
Custom fabricated to ensure proper fit and comfort
- Combines EMG surface sensors and system software to detect and assist with motion
- Assistance levels customized to a user’s needs.
- Easy to use and intuitive controls for the everyday user.
- Lightweight material available in a variety of colors and patterns.
- Manual 3 degree of freedom wrist articulation in addition to myoelectric initiated elbow movement.
Qualification Process: Each MyoPro brace is custom fitted to each patient for optimum performance. The MyoPro is available only at an O&P practice certified to provide and fit the MyoPro. During the fitting process, a certified orthotist or prosthetist will qualify an individual for a MyoPro through a physical assessment. Should the individual qualify, the O&P center will determine whether the device is covered by the individual’s health insurance. If coverage is in effect and the individual is a good candidate for MyoPro, the O&P center will initiate the fitting process.
Ossur Symbionic Leg
Ossur’s Symbiotic Leg is the world’s first completely Bionic leg. The Symbionic Leg seamlessly unites the proven capabilities of Ossur’s RHEO KNEE® and PROPRIO FOOT®, into a single integrated unit offering unprecedented functionality for above-knee amputees. The prosthesis was designed to enable users to experience confident mobility on all terrains without gait deviations or compensations. This revolutionary new product, which is the first of its kind in the market, has been in user testing for over a year and was first available in late 2011. VIPO was the first to provide this leg to patients in Kern County and continues to remain on the forefront of cutting-edge prosthetic technology.
Michael at VIPO on Direct Socket and Ossur Legs
Otto Bock C-Leg 4
The C-Leg 4 offers all of the same benefits as other models but has a new design that is focused on making it simpler to fit and easier for prosthetic knee users.
With new patented Inertial Motion Unit control functionality, more stability, and increased activity, the C-Leg 4 delivers on its promise to increase function, eliminate fixed service intervals, get rid of the need for a special pylon, and simplifies the fitting process.
Take advantage of the user-friendly smartphone app that gives C-Leg 4 users more choices for a more personalized fit.
- Reduce the system height by 1.7 inches
- Tested for water exposure and received an IP67 rating
- New activity report feature has been added
The patented feature of the C-Leg 4 improves the transition to swing phase and makes walking backward safely as possible. Even when steps are small or surfaces are challenging, the refined features of the C-Leg 4 makes changing walking speeds more controlled, efficient, and effective.
Touch Bionics i-LIMB Bionic Hand
This replacement hand looks and acts like a real human hand and represents a generational advancement in bionics. The i-LIMB is one of the first widely available prosthetic hands with five individually powered digits, affording its user a surprisingly wide range of motion.
The i-LIMB Hand is controlled by a unique, highly intuitive control system that uses a muscle signal to open and close the hand’s life-like fingers. Myoelectric controls utilize the electrical signal generated by the muscles in the remaining portion of the patient’s limb. This signal is picked up by electrodes that sit on the surface of the skin. Additionally, the i-LIMB uses dynamic touch detection which can sense when a finger has sufficient grip on an object and thus stop powering. This is especially useful in situations such as holding someone’s hand, where too much power can cause, er, problems.
Existing users of basic myoelectric prosthetic hands are able to quickly adapt to the system and can master the device’s new functionality within minutes. For new patients, the i-LIMB Hand offers a prosthetic solution that has never before been available. Touch Bionics has also developed a “groundbreaking” form of cosmesis, a latex sheath which covers the hand for an incredibly realistic appearance.
Trevor Townsend, CPO, of our Bakersfield office, is the only i-LIMB Bionic Hand practitioner trained and certified by Touch Bionics, in the entire Southern San Joaquin Valley.
Otto Bock Dynamic Arm
The Dynamic Arm offers a new generation of elbow joints, controlled by an electric motor in combination with a unique vario drive. This system allows the user to quickly and exactly position the hand with use of minimal energy, utilizing an innovative, high-performance drive that can lift loads up to 13 pounds. The elbow also has a static holding capacity of 50 pounds (this will slip if the weight limit is exceeded—without damaging the elbow).
Strength and speed can be controlled with natural ease. The arm swings quietly and naturally while walking. The DynamicArm also incorporates Bluetooth technology for programming and training without cords or cables.
Our VIPO Bakersfield office is the only facility in the Southern San Joaquin Valley with Otto Bock Dynamic Arm practitioners trained and certified by Otto Bock.
Ossur Rheo Knee 3
The newly designed RHEO KNEE® 3 is an advanced prosthetic that is equipped with artificial intelligence that automatically adjusts to you and the environment in which you walk. Knee resistance is adjusted on a split-second basis to provide you with an increased balance between stability and dynamics.
As soon as you begin moving, the new RHEO KNEE® 3 instantly responds, ensuring that you never have to wait for the knee to catch up to your movements. With support from heel strike to toe-off, you will experience increased stability when walking over a variety of terrains.
With a battery charge of up to 72 hours, the RHEO KNEE® 3 allows you the convenience of moving with ease for a longer period of time. If you’re having difficulties with your current prosthetic knee and want to walk with a more symmetrical gait, the RHEO KNEE® 4 may be the right fit for you.
Certified in advanced Rheo Knee training by Ossur, our Bakersfield Office is happy to offer this leading-edge technology!
Ottobock Genium X3
As the world’s most technologically advanced prosthetic leg, above-knee prosthetic users have no limitations when wearing the Genium X3 by Ottobock.
Whether you lead a challenging and adventurous lifestyle or you simply want to keep up with everyday activities, the Genium X3 ensures that you never have to worry if your prosthesis can keep up with you.
Stringent waterproof testing has been completed in both fresh and saltwater tests to conclude that the Genium X3 is fully submersible to 3 meters depth for up to one hour, allowing unprecedented contact with water which is perfect for anyone who works near water or use during normal daily living activities such as showering or washing your car.
Enjoy 5 activity modes with the new and approved Genium X3:
- Biking
- Golfing
- Driving
- Running
- Walking
Control the Genium X3 conveniently by remote, smart control via the Cockpit app or a key fob-sized remote that easily straps around your wrist for on-the-go activities.
Now you can experience a smooth and secure step every time, move for longer with the improved battery life, and enjoy the most natural gait possible with the Genium X3 by Ottobock.
At Valley Institute Prosthetics & Orthotics, we have fit more Genium X3’s on patients than anywhere else in central California.
Townsend Custom Knee Brace
Within the orthopedic bracing community, Townsend Design is regarded as a manufacturer with extensive fabrication capabilities and cutting-edge technology. In addition to supplying bracing products for routine orthopedic injuries and medical conditions, Townsend Design is considered the best source for custom braces for physicians’ and orthotists’ most challenging patients.
Featured here is an Air Townsend custom functional knee brace. Custom fabricated from a cast mold, this brace provides maximum protection and support for ligament injuries and instabilities. Available in solid shell tints, or with Townsend fabrics (inlays) or patient-supplied fabric. Premier and Air Townsend functional knee braces feature laminated carbon graphite shells and Townsend’s patented hinge motion, suspension and rotation control technology.
Orthomerica STAR Cranial Remolding Helmets
The STAR family of cranial remolding orthoses is used to treat deformational plagiocephaly, brachycephaly, scaphocephaly, and other head shape deformities in infants 3-18 months of age. These orthoses can be used to effectively manage a broad spectrum of head shape deformities and clinical indications.
Featured here is the STARband from Orthomerica, a custom cranial remolding orthosis. Thousands of infants have been successfully treated with the STARband cranial remolding orthosis since its introduction.
VIPO Bakersfield is a certified provider of Cranial Remolding Helmets.
Learn More About Prosthetics & Orthotics
If you’d like to learn more about how VIPO can provide you with a customized prosthetic or orthotic solution, fill out the form below to connect with our expert staff.
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